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Recent Notes

Why nGrinder?

published on
nGrinder与其他工具比较– JMeter 基于UI操作,容易上手,但是不具备编程能力。其次JMeter基于线程模拟数千用户几乎不可能。 Tsung

Show all files in finder

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如何在Mac OS X中开启或关闭显示隐藏文件命令 可以这样: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true - 此命令显示隐藏文件 defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false - 此命令关闭显示隐藏文件 命令运行之后需要重 Read More...

How to create a github.io repo

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开通自己的github.io repo github.io是完全基于github创建的,其本质上是在你的github账户下创建一个特殊的repo。你可

How to update hugo blog

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Quick Start Open iTerm2 control+command+h to open the tab with hugo profile addblog to create a new blog post, hugo command will create a new post tesmplate and subl command will help open it. Note: Blog Title should not contain space and strip out menu = "main" in the template. deployblog to deploy newest update to github. Read More...