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Be Pythonic! fp reading notes


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Recent Notes

Pyramid Dev Environment Setup

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Download Setuptool: http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py Install Setuptool: sudo python ez_setup.py Install virtulenv: sudo easy_install virtualenv Install Pyramid: virtualenv —no-site-packages env cd env bin/easy_install pyramid Will contain pyramid, template(Chameleon、Mako), PasteDeploy

A Guide to Python's Function Decorators

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Python is rich with powerful features and expressive syntax. One of my favorites is decorators. In the context of design patterns, decorators dynamically alter the functionality of a function, method or class without having to directly use subclasses. This is ideal when you need to extend the functionality of functions that you don’t want to modify. We can implement the decorator pattern anywhere, but Python facilitates the implementation by providing much more expressive features and syntax for that. Read More...

Python Property

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Python“属性(property)”详解 Python中有一个被称为属性函数(property)的小概念,它可以做一些有用的事情。在这篇文

PEP8 Chinese Version

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本文给出主Python版本标准库的编码约定。CPython的C代码风格参见PEP7。 本文和PEP 257 文档字符串标准改编自Guido最初的《Py